Team Raffle
Premier International Tours is offering it's customers a wonderful opportunity to participate in a new raffle fundraiser.
We will hold an annual raffle and the grand prize is two international airline tickets between North America and Europe (you can pick any airport in Western Europe or Canada). The value of this prize is approximately $ 2,000-$ 3,000.00. The winners of the prize must allow four months notice of travel dates from the date of the draw.
We will send 100 raffle tickets per player to the team manager, and the players will sell these raffle tickets and keep 100% of all profit received from the raffle tickets they sell. For example; a player who sells all 100 tickets for a donation of $5.00/€ 5.00/£ 4.00 per ticket will keep the total money raised of $500.00/€ 500.00/£ 300.00.
We feel confident that this raffle program can raise a minimum of $500.00 /€ 500.00/£ 300.00 per player to contribute to their tour cost.
It is important that the ticket stubs be sent to us no later than January 1, 2026. The drawing will be held during the United Soccer Coaches Convention January 15-18, 2026.
All stubs must be mailed before January 1, 2026 to:
Premier International Tours
17838 East Easter Place
Foxfield, CO 80016
We discourage parents from purchasing all 100 tickets.
This raffle will be available to all groups traveling internationally with Premier International Tours in 2025 and 2026. Players and teams traveling in 2026 can continue to sell raffle tickets up to the next raffle draw in January of 2027 (raffle tickets to be sent to us before January 1, 2027). It is estimated that approximately 50,000 tickets will be sold in 2025-2026.
Ready to get started?
Complete and send in your group booking form and per traveler deposits for your group's tour.
Appoint one contact person who will distribute collect all ticket stubs. Email us their name and contact details.
Email us your club/school/team logo (.jpeg, .gif, any picture format will work, please no .PDF or .doc).
On receipt of this information we will print and mail 100 tickets per player to the appointed contact person.
Win two international airline tickets between North America and Europe (you can pick any airport in Western Europe or the 48 continental states of the USA or Canada). The value of this prize is approximately $ 2,000-$ 3,000.00.
Donation per ticket: $ 5.00/€ 5.00/£ 4.00. All donations must be applied toward the team fund, not intended for individual reward. No purchase required for entry to raffle. All donations welcome.

Introducing Reaching Our Goal
A Fundraising Program That Really Works
Traveling abroad with your team is sure to be an incredible experience. We also appreciate that it can be expensive.
When college, high school and club soccer teams are planning trips, they turn to the experts at Reaching Our Goal to help them raise thousands of dollars. Now you can, too.
Reaching Our Goal is a powerful donation-based program that utilizes email, Facebook and regular mail. We create a personalized donation page all about your group. You can customize it with colors, pictures and your own words. We share the donation page with your supporters like family, friends and relatives. After donating we thank each of your supporters with fifty dollars in savings at their choice of thousands of restaurants across the country. That makes the average donation free!
You don’t have to sell anything or manage any events. Everyone on the team can participate or just some of the players and/or coaches.
We urge you to click this link and launch a fundraising campaign with Reaching Our Goal for your trip with Premier International Tours. It takes just a minute to add your team, upload a roster and you are done!
You will also be contacted by an owner of the company who will guide you through a very simple process that really works.
To get started click on the following link: https://www.reachingourgoal.com/
Jon Goldman, Partner
Reaching Our Goal, LLC
C: 914-384-4311
E: jon@ReachingOurGoal.org
S: jon.goldman4
W: www.ReachingOurGoal.org

Other Fundraising Ideas
24 Hour second sale
Organize your own sports camp
Golf tournament
Dinner, dance and auction
Sport – a – thon
Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament
And more
1. 24 Hour second sale
The second sale/raffle will be based on selling all of the seconds in a minute of an hour in a 24 hour day. The total seconds to be sold would be 86,400 seconds (60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours). With 18 players, you can divide 86,400 seconds into 4,800 seconds (or 80 minutes) that each player can sell.
We suggest that $ 0.25 per second be charged. At this price the team can expect to raise a gross amount of approx. $ 21,600.00 and each individual player approx. $1,200.00 if they sell all their seconds. Players can sell the seconds in packages of 20 seconds for $5.00, or 1 minute for $15.00 (60 seconds x $ 0.25) for example.
To run the lottery you must have a 24 hour clock that goes by military time (so 1pm would be 13.00 hours). Then, wind up the clock, set it at an arbitrary time then allow it to run down. The person with the correct hour, minute and second wins. We suggest that you allocate $1,000.00 for the winning prize. The total amount of money to be made goes like this if all the seconds are sold.
Gross sales = $21,600 - Prize money = $1,000 - Expenses = $ 100 - Total profit =$20,500.
2. Organize your own sports camps
Have your team organize sports camps for younger youth teams in the area. This fund-raiser involves the players and coaches of your team putting on sports camps or clinics for younger players in and around the area where the team is based out of. The camps can be 2 day clinics or week long camps. The execution of this fund-raising idea would entail the following steps:
Establish a date or dates that do not conflict with any of your team activities or games or major youth tournaments or events in the area so that potential participants would be able to attend the camp(s).
Secure at least 1 or 2 fields for the dates and times you have established for the clinics/camps.
Promote your camps. A good idea to promote your camp is to make a flyer. Make sure your flyer includes the dates and times of the camp, the cost of the camp, how many players the camp is limited to and a biography of the team and the coaches. This biography can include where the team and players are from, major tournaments or leagues the team has won and participated in and a background about the coaching staff. Mention in your flyer that this is a fund-raiser for your team to travel internationally to play sports. Have your players go to local youth games and tournaments to hand out these flyers. Also make sure the flyer has a form for participants to fill out and send in.
Administration; keep good records of individuals who have signed up for the camp and payments made. A good way to keep track of which participants have signed up and paid for the camps is to have a check-in for all participants at the beginning of each camp.
It is up to your team to determine what amount to charge each participant, but keep in mind that you should charge enough to make a profit after expenses that you might have for the camps including field rental charges, promotion costs and costs to make a camp t-shirt to give to each participants.
3. Golf tournament
Club or team sponsors a golf tournament at a local country club or golf course – one day event. A set fee is charged for people who want to participate. This fee should include 18-hole play at golf course, lunch, dinner and possible gifts/goodie bag. Make sure that the fee charged covers the costs of the above mentioned items, and you can consider adding a little extra to the fee for a “commission” for your club or team.
More money can be made by approaching local businesses about being a sponsor at the tournament. For a set fee, that business would get a banner or sign put up at the tee box or green of a hole at the golf course. For example, a club we worked with that did this fundraiser charged local businesses/merchants $500 to put a sign on the tee box and $500 to put a sign on the green of each hole. This equates to $1,000 of sponsorship money per hole x 18 holes = $18,000. This is how the club made most of their money from this event.
4. Dinner, dance and auction
One night event including a dinner and dance party at local hotel ballroom, dance parlor or restaurant. Charge each person a set admission fee for the event. This admission fee should cover the costs incurred from the event such as dinner, labor, facility rental, etc. Again, team or club can even add an amount to this as a “commission” for the club or team to help raise funds.
Money is also made with a silent auction that takes place at the event. Teams can approach local businesses and merchants about donating items to be auctioned off at the event. The advantage for those businesses is that they get exposure at the event and it can be a tax write-off for them.
If necessary, the team can offer something for the business/merchant in exchange for their donation such as to put the businesses logo on their uniforms or warm-ups, or to include the businesses name in the club or team’s newsletter or website, etc.
5. Sport – a – thon
Premise of the Sport-a-thon is a 24-hour stretch of players/teams, or people associated to the team (such as friends and family), playing a continuous sport (can be shorter than 24 hours if necessary).
Donors make pledges to pay a certain amount per hour to an individual player - that’s how the money is raised. Your team should set a goal for total hours the game will be played. Make sure to look into all precautions of playing a long period of time (i.e. have trainer/medical staff on hand). Other activities can be done around the Sport-a-thon such as a car wash or raffles can be held raffling off donated items from local businesses.
6. Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament
In the past years various clubs have organized a Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament and raised substantial amount.
We organized a tournament with approx. 100 poker players. Each player paid $ 50.00 to get in with 4,000 chips to start. The cash prizes were 1st - $ 1,000.00; 2nd - $ 500.00; 3rd - $ 300.00; 4th - $ 200.00; 5th $ 100.00 and 6th - $ 75.00. We did organize a raffle and silent auction during the poker tournament. In addition to this we had a buffet with lots of food.
Please find below an organization summary.
Check existing resources (such as volunteers, items on hand, potential sponsors) to establish a projected budget for the event.
Organize your budget; Expected income; charge to play in the tournament, amount of people who will attend just for a meal, sponsorship's, silent auction, prize donations (in kind), alcohol and soft drinks sold, and any other donations.
Expenses; gaming tables, food, playing cards, poker chips, decorations, graphics and printing of marketing materials, alcohol, sodas, water, supplies, license fees, venue charges, winners’ prizes and any miscellaneous and unexpected.
Stay professional order poker tables or poker table tops for the night of the event. You may rent or buy these.
Select a location that is convenient for community members.
Create your theme and your marketing pieces to promote your event.
Create a strong volunteer staff and constantly follow up with their progress; signing up sponsors, getting gifts for the silent auction, the prize drawings, marketing the event.
Maybe choose a local celebrity or a poker professional to MC your event. This helps promote it and creates more
interest from the community to attend.
Make sure you have something for all Texas Hold’em players to take home as a fond memory of your event.
7. And More
The following are some other common fundraising ideas: (top)
A good group effort involves a garage sale. Individually these don't raise enormous sums -- but if every family pools its efforts, and you bill the resulting event as the town's "largest sale ever," the results can be impressive. (Don't forget to sell food, coffee and drinks!)
Supermarkets sometimes help community fundraising projects, with schemes based on coupons or receipts. Check around for these little-publicized, but worthwhile, promotions.
Of course, one of the best fundraisers around involves the sweat of the players who will be traveling. Set up a "job bank." Run an ad in the local paper, explaining that players are working to raise funds for an international sports tour, and will be available to perform any task, singly or in groups: yard work, window washing, furniture moving, you name it. Set an hourly price per person and state it clearly in the ad, along with the phone number of a "job bank coordinator" who will field all phone calls and assign jobs equitably and geographically. Naturally, each youngster keeps whatever he earns, and applies it toward the trip.
The old stand-by is car washes. Another idea is to not only have a car wash but try and add a car wax section at the gas station or the school. Charge 10 to 20 dollars per car.
A group from Washington State raised a couple of thousand dollars with a pizza sale. They worked with a pizza-making, fundraising group called B&B Fundraising. The kids took orders for pizza. B&B brought the ingredients, supplies, etc. The group brought the work force in order to make the pizzas. They made approx. 650 pizzas in about 3 hours. After that they delivered the pizzas and made about $ 4.00 per pizza. The pizza company Little Ceasar's also offers pizza making as a fundraiser as well.
Contact a local high quality coffee manufacturer in your area that sells the same brand of coffee in the grocery store. See if the manufacturer will let your team sell the coffee for the same price, but have them sell it ground to your group at half the cost. Then have your group sell the coffee and you keep the profit. Invite friends and family to order from you, instead of going to the grocery store to buy it.
For more detailed information about these fundraising activities please contact us. (top)

FlipGive Fundraising and Premier International Tours
Premier International Tours is offering teams that travel the opportunity to try something a little different when it comes to fundraising to help offset the costs of your international soccer trip.
We understand fundraising can be frustrating and time consuming, so that’s why we’ve partnered up with FlipGive to help make it easier. Put simply, your team raises money by shopping online with popular brands.
To get started, create a fundraiser for your team on pitours.flipgive.com and use the built in tools to share your fundraiser with family and friends, encouraging them to shop online from top brands like Under Armour, Nike, Applebee’s, and more. For every purchase they make, your team earns up to 50% cash back. Also, with FlipGive, you can run your fundraiser all season long and withdraw the money you raise whenever you need it.
Want to learn more? Check out https://www.flipgive.com/pitours. Set up takes less than 60 seconds and it’s completely free. Or click here for a printable/shareable document with more information and instructions.